Redesign BukuWarung Mobile Application — UI/UX Case Study

Tomi fadilah
4 min readSep 30, 2021

Hello, Business financial recording application for UMKM. Enjoy the automatic reminder feature, financial reports to send between banks FREE of admin fees

This is a case study about the BukuWarung Mobile Application. Here I want to increase the use of the application by developing several features and adding features that can provide better service.

Let’s Design !

The process of getting a contact user to provide debt with a scan qr

In the process of giving this payment, I did usability testing to the shop owner through my personal smartphone, I paid attention to the user’s behavior when using the application, the user kept asking for the function or use of the various features available.

At the same time socializing the BukuWarung app to users, I try to solve problems from their pain points (3 owners / 3 users) by trying to give ideas that encourage them to assume, such as “What if this app has a qr scan so it’s like ovo/dana/gopay/linkaja ?” “If there is a price detail, maybe a faster response without thinking about what product to buy?” And “If there is something like a calculator, so that it’s easy to calculate quickly, right?”

With the hypothesis that I did and the pain points I got, I started to design.

Added the Scan Code QR feature to scan the customer’s QR Code for confirmation for a Beri Pembayaran process without having to open a contact number and also validate the user

Creating a product category along with prices and other information about the product aims that the user can quickly make the process of Beri Pembayaran because it is also supported by a plus-minus button to provide the total of the products that must be paid for.

The process of getting a user contact to receive a debt payment by scanning qr

In the process of Terima Pembayaran, I asked a number of questions that might be sensitive because they were related to income, so I had to make an approach by trying to make jokes until and in the middle of the joking conversation I started asking questions to the shop owner without him realizing it. “How are the customers crowded?” “Why do you think customers are decreasing even though PPKM has started to transition?” “On debt to buy a product in a store?” “What do you use if you owe it so you don’t forget it and you can collect it later?”

And after doing a hypothesis and getting pain points, I started designing.

By adding the QR Code feature to the Terima Pembayaran interface, the user / customer can make payments without cash which is feared to carry a virus, so that users will feel safe and protected from viruses.

The QR Code interface shows the total purchases, making transactions transparent

Because the QR Code is connected by a user / customer account, the accounts payable data will be visible if you still have a payment account, complete with information on the product purchased

Layout changes and addition of user qr code

Added a QR Code prodcut to interface with account settings to indicate that this QR Code is linked to your account directly with your personal data, so you can’t lie or leave without paying off debt,

Changed several layout arrangements to be able to produce a good and comfortable interface to look at or use

and the bank account table has a text description in red to give distracting users will see and register their bank account so that all transactions can run well, quickly and easily

The process of adding products according to categories and detailed information during transactions

All the hypotheses and pain points that have been obtained make me have to add a feature that causes many problems for the general public, first there is a problem with calculations (numbers) and want an easy and fast process, so

On the Tambah Barang Baru page, add the Capital Price feature and the category of the item, and produce a good interface on the stok page explaining all available stock, remaining stock, selling price and capital everything can look easy and good,

In the interface on the Penjualan Baru page, a system that is like a calculator by adding the total purchased items will automatically show the results of the selling price and profit of the purchased items, and

Modification confirmation pop up after the transaction is complete, loading with 2D nuances with a touch of blue and yellow colors where the color is the identity of BukuWarung

You can find the BukuWarung application in the appstore or playstore. I emphasize again here, I only explore the ideas that I have and have no cooperation with BukuWarung

Thank you for reading If you found this helpful please give me your clap and your thought or feedbacks on the comment below or by sending a message to

Lastly, if you’d like to see more of my work you can visit the other of My Portfolio here or you can visit My LinkedIn profile to connect with me

